Varicose Veins Laser Treatment Without Any Surgery (North India)

Varicose Vein

Varicose vein are enlarged, dilated, swollen vein under the skin overfilled with blood. In varicose vein the valves within the vein do not work properly leading to pooling of the blood in the vein. Approximately, 23% of the world's population is affected from varicose vein. Life style change (long hours sitting job or standing at one place) is one of the major contributors towards increase in varicose vein cases.

Who is the right doctor for varicose vein treatment?

You will agree how important it is to find right doctor for any health issue .So let me update you for varicose vein the specialist who are trained on ultrasound are the best. Intervention Radiologist, Vascular Surgeons and Phlebologist, are the super specialist whom you should always consider for your varicose vein treatment.

Cause of varicose veins

Weakened Vein Valve - Vein carry blood from our body to the heart for recirculation. In varicose vein these valves become weak or damaged leading to pooling of the blood in the veins.

  • Long standing jobs - Traffic Police, Teachers, salesmen's working in malls, Waiters and Chef.
  • Long sitting jobs - Computer Professionals, Clerks, Pilots and Cabin Crew
  • Pregnancy- During the pregnancy females may develop varicose vein due to extra weight she carries because the baby in the womb.
  • Obesity
  • Age
  • Family History

Varicose Vein

Sign & Symptoms of Varicose Vein

  • Aching around the veins heaviness feeling in the legs
  • Worsening of pain after long sitting or standing
  • Swelling of lower legs
  • Spider Veins - looks similar to varicose vein often look like spider web
  • Skin discoloration around the ankle
  • In Severe cases the vein may bleed significantly or Ulceration in the leg

Varicose Vein

Diagnosis of Varicose Vein

Physical examination - by the specialist to rule out whether the patient have varicose vein or not, the examination may be performed in standing position to check the sign and symptoms of varicose vein

Color Doppler or Ultrasound - is very useful in evaluating the venous system. Ultrasound helps in finding defective veins and pinpoints those veins which require treatment.

Treatment Options for Varicose Vein

Varicose vein does not always need surgical treatment as long as they are not causing discomfort, depending upon the location and the size. The treatment is planned by your specialist.

Following potential treatment may be advised by your specialist:

  • Leg elevation while sitting or sleeping
  • Medical compression stocking - are specially designed to steadily compress your leg to improve circulation. They are tight at ankle and get gradually looser grow further up your leg. This encourages blood to flow from leg towards your heart. Stocking may help relieving pain, discomfort and swelling in your leg. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence only recommends using Medical compression stockings as a long-term treatment for varicose veins if all other treatments aren't suitable for you. Most people with varicose veins will be prescribed a class 2 or grade 2 stocking. Stocking are available in different sizes Your doctor may recommend either knee length or thigh length stockings depending upon the requirement.
  • Multilayered compression bandage - Specially advised in venous ulcer you need high pressure for fast healing of venous ulcer.
  • Sclerotherapy is good for smaller veins, Foam used specially to treat spider veins (telangiectasias).
  • Ligation and Stripping- is the surgical technique for varicose vein however now a day’s vein specialist doctor prefer thermal ablation as compared to surgery as more severe complications such as DVT, nerve injury and paresthesia, post-operative infections and hematomas is more prevalent with surgical technique as compared to Endothermal ablation.

Endothermal Ablation

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) or RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation)-are heat based non-surgical treatment for varicose vein. Endovenous laser ablation and radiofrequency ablation are the most widely used treatment across the globe for varicose vein. In EVLA and RFA, your doctor inserts a thin tube (catheter) into an enlarged damaged vein and heats the tip of the catheter using either laser energy or radiofrequency. As the catheter is pulled out, the heat destroys the vein by causing it to collapse this procedure is the preferred treatment for larger veins. Among Laser and RFA, Laser ablation is the time tested and more widely accepted by the specialist for the treatment of varicose vein. The long term result with laser and patient satisfaction data across the globe also strongly support laser. Now a day’s some more treatment are also available however the long term result efficacy wise, side effects are still in question. So all in all Endovenous Laser Ablation is time tested with long term patient result with proven data.

Why We

  • Most trusted treatment worldwide: EVLA-Endovenous laser ablation has Success rate of 98% and is most trusted and accepted treatment by the doctors all over the world for more than 30 years. It has become a gold standard for varicose vein treatment and we have rich experience of 8 years of more than 2500 Laser surgeries for varicose vein.
  • Better efficacy result as compared to ligation and stripping.
  • No cut or scar on the skin.
  • Short hospital stay for 24 hours.
  • Recovery period is faster as compared to surgery.
  • Patient can resume normal activity after the discharge from the hospital.
  • Blood loss - almost negligible.
  • Cost effective as compared to surgery.

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Varicose Veins Laser Treatment Without Any Surgery (North India)